Quadruple success at 2015 National Calendar Awards
Posted on 27/01/2015

Rose Calendars are delighted to have returned from the National Calendar Awards last week, having scooped no less than 4 trophies.
Continuing our winning streak which has been prevalent over the past four years, we show-cased our full range of calendars through winning entries and nominations in every category.
The National Calendar Awards are thought of as the industy’s ‘Oscars’ in the world of calendars. Held annually, the awards celebrate the UKs best in print, design, production, art, photography and publishing, as well as including an innovative student category for up and coming designers. In total 25 awards are given, which celebrate the industry at its best. The awards are held at the prestigious Stationers’ Hall in central London, a beautiful venue, very appropriate for the occasion given its long history of publishing and printing dating back to the 15th century.
Before the awards were given, colleagues from Kodak, Danillo, Calendar Club, Grange Communications, Pixel, Carousel Calendars, Avonside Publishing and many others, admired the 2015 nominations displayed in the beautiful halls of the building.
A welcome to the event was given by The Master of Stationers, and then guest speaker journalist, broadcaster and TV personality Janet Street-Porter took to the microphone to give her thoughts on calendars and ask the question -
"If Cliff Richard has his own calendar, then where is mine?”
Having received copies of the Rose winning calendars and a copy of the brochure, Janet then proceeded to highlight titles from the Rose Calendars range, asking questions such as
"is ‘Endangered Species’ full of those types of men who know how to load the dish washer?”,
"what could ‘Bizarre World of Work’ really mean?”
It certainly put Rose Calendars in the forefront of everyone’s minds, ahead of the awards being presented, which Janet then proceeded to take in her stride. For the first time the guest speaker presented the awards to the winners, and as someone so used to public speaking, she did the event proud. She even mentioned the awards later in her newspaper column, saying she had attended a very special ceremony, which she sighted as ‘being a hoot’.
The judging panel of industry experts, from the fields of photography, design, typography, as well as the print and paper industries, had a record number of entries to consider. Categories included both corporate and retail calendars as well as digital calendars and best new title. There were also student categories, and the ever popular ‘People’s Choice’ award, which went this year to the Kelly Brook calendar, which seems only fair after it was scooped by the naked Warwick rowers last year!
There was strong competition, with the stage set highlighting designs including the famous ‘Pirelli’ calendar, well known TV series such as ‘The Great British Bake Off’ and ‘Downton Abbey’ and the ‘Doctor Who’ calendar amongst the entrants in the retail categories.
Rose Calendars were nominated for a total of 8 awards, and received the following trophies:
- Category: ‘Best Corporate Stock Calendar – ‘Contemporary/Innovation’
- Winner: 2015 Ethos Wall Calendar
- Category: ‘Excellence in Digital Production’
- Winner: FGS Agri Digital Calendar (a bespoke calendar produced for a client)
- Category: ‘Best Corporate Stock Calendar – ‘Landscape’
- Winner: 2015 Countryside Walks
- Category: ‘Excellence in Production’
- Winner: 2015 Ethos Wall Calendar
Congratulations to the other winners from the evening, including Danilo, Carousel Calendars, Avonside Publishing Ltd, Pyramid, Flame Tree Publishing and Louise Taylor in addition to the design students who received merit and highly commended certificates. Sharna Guest-Crossly won the student trophy for her design of a calendar for Alzheimer’s Research UK.
Achieving these awards has proven that continuous commitment to producing the highest quality in calendar design is being widely recognised and rewarded across the market place.
All the above calendars have been marked with the NCA symbol in our 2016 promotional calendar brochure and on the website, which has recently seen the launch of the exciting new business calendar range for 2016.