Rose Calendars have been producing promotional calendars since 1908 and are the leading UK based business in this sector. It would stand to reason that we know how to promote our range of products and that we are experts in our field.
Who, though, could advertise our products and the corresponding customer service better than our satisfied customers?
For those who need written word proof, we have listed a selection of comments we have received over time on this page.
These testimonials are not just about the calendars themselves, but also about the service received and, very importantly, about how using a calendar as part of their marketing mix has impacted positively on our customers' businesses.
"A cost effective way to open doors"

The Fencing Partnership Ltd. are a specialist fencing company based in Wales, who have been using Rose calendars for many years. Managing Director, Graham Green, points out that calendars, particularly the very distinctive title he chooses, offer very effective and inexpensive advertising and that they can "open doors”. Having won several significant contracts through someone seeing the company’s advertisement and accreditations on a calendar, Graham is very pleased with the fantastic ROI the calendars are producing: "Receiving a phone call referring to our calendar advertising and consequently securing a £45,000 contract proved to me again that calendars really do work for us. Over the years, we have gained several contracts this way and will definitely continue to use calendars as a medium to promote our company across the UK.”
"Realising the value of calendars”
We received an email from a delighted customer saying
"Last year’s Calendars were as always superb and I can safely say I acquired new business as a result of sending them out, so thank you. I will be placing the same as order as last year very soon, and I’m glad that my customers are realising the quality and value of your calendars”
"Calendars are like our business card on a client's wall"
Business Broker- Middlesex
"Rose are truly committed to achieving and leading standards for ethical and eco-friendly trade"
Supplier of Recycling and Waste Management services - London
"Calendar marketing increases our customer base steadily year by year"
Process Equipment Manufacturer - Essex
"Calendar advertising works for us as it reaches the right people every day of the year"
Transport Company - Newcastle upon Tyne
"Calendars offer the best value for money within our marketing budget"
Construction Material Supplier - Essex
We always welcome feedback from our customers. Please contact us with any comments you may have regarding our products and service. We'd also like to hear your views on calendars as a marketing tool.