Category Archives: Social Media

Calendar Man Cooks up a Caribbean Feast on Come Dine with Me
Rose Calendars Sales Development Manager Elliot Van Sertima is about to gain stardom by appearing in an Essex based episode of the TV Series ‘Come Dine with Me’. Sworn to secrecy about who won the famous show, Elliot cannot divulge how he got on, but he shares a few stories about the filming of this entertaining show.

What’s so scary about Friday the 13th?
We’ve been surrounded by rumours and myths concerning Friday the 13th for over 900 years. It’s one of the most well recognised superstitions of the western world and it’s likely to have permeated the psyche of even the most rational person.

Social Sharing Facts (and Figures!)
Lots of interesting facts about social media users that you might like to know to make your online efforts reach even more people!

The Psychology Behind Social Media Marketing
Want to get ahead in Social Media? We take a look at what sharing means and how you can use this to make your followers want to tell their followers about you!